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AIMA Beliefs

We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts of Christ moving through apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers, who through Christ’s leading, equip all followers of Christ to become mature and equipped for ministry in God’s Kingdom. We also believe in the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit to produce Christ-likeness in saints as He empowers us through the ministry of all the grace gifts found in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12.

Our Values and Vision

Our Vision… is to launch 1000s of everyday ministers and missionaries into the worldwide harvest.

Our Mission… is to equip and empower a missional generation of Jesus’ followers with encounters of the Spirit and of the Word.

Catalyst Gatherings

We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts. We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts.We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts .We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts. We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts. We believe in the active ongoing ministry of the gifts