“Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you”
Isaiah 60:1
Our Vision… is to launch 1000s of everyday ministers and missionaries into the worldwide harvest.
Our Mission… is to equip and empower a missional generation of Jesus’ followers with encounters of the Spirit and of the Word.
Arise International is the mission and ministry-sending arm of Revival Valley, in partnership with Northern California Bible College. As NCBC graduates and Revival Valley ministers move closer to full-time missions and ministry, Arise International serves to help launch and support a growing network of global missionaries who love God, love people, and are making disciples of all nations.
Are you ready to get to the next level?
Arise International exists to help those called and equipped for mission and ministry to take the next step.
ARISE Minister & Non-Profit Incubator
AI births, forms, and launches ministers, missionaries & ministries. As the ministry begins with just a few people, we provide the non-profit backing and wisdom to help incubate new Kingdom visions. We will help you form a leadership team and begin to find its vision and values. To be fully launched a ministry will have a full leadership team (3-5 people usually), clearly articulated vision and values, it will also have priorities and specific tasks, and of it’s own non-profit paperwork and accounting practices.

CATEGORY 1: Individual Minister
The minister may be a full time missionary, bi-vocational, or local minister. There are opportunities for licensing and ordination if the minister receives theological training. The minister may be working toward forming a team and ministry.

CATEGORY 2: Team Ministry
The ministry has a name, clear vision, and well-articulated mission statement (it most-likely has a webpage or social media). A team has been formed and has made at least a year commitment to help lead and guide the ministry (more than a committed person/couple).

CATEGORY 3: Launched Ministry
The ministry has clearly defined purpose, roles, and leadership. The ministry has been functioning in its mission and vision. The ministry team has a board for oversight and is ready to steward finances and legal non-profit status on their own.
Is it Time for Non-profit Status?
There are some great benefits of becoming an independent non-profit organization like tax-exempt donations. But there are a few hurdles like forming a board, doing the paperwork, and paying the filing fees. Read more…
Step-by-Step Guide to Non-profit Status
This guide includes templates for becoming a faith-based tax exempt non-profit with both the CA state and federal government. Read more…
Individual Minister
Individual ministers do not usually qualify for non-profit status right off. AI supports individuals and their personal ministries under our non-profit umbrella until they form a board and a fully realized vision. Join the Ministry Network instead for now.